Mark Fell- Youth Minister
If you need to rethink your life, with God, and want to see What you need to do for change.... Quotes from our youth group: "We are like a family" "When we get together and do things, we have alot of fun" "The way we work together, is special"
"We desire the FIRE OF GOD in our lives, more the we desire the next breath of air or the next heart beat"
We have youth services once a month and they are AWESOME!! We let God be God. People are born-again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, set free, and filled up!!! But, it is not me, or the youth leaders. It's the Youth wanting a mighty move of God! There is a mighty move of God, coming to America. More than ever before, and we will be right in the middle of it. We're God's children, and we will be there, desiring HIS presence, and doing HIS will...
I praise God for all the talent HE has given our youth ( singers, musicians, play writers, drama teams, preachers, teachers, etc...)
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