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    pastor1.gif (44016 bytes)  Brother Dewayne Smith          


Jesus said in John 3:16 -"for God so loved the world that He gave His only,

begotten Son that whosoever, believeth in Him should not perish but have

everlasting life." You are the Whosoever in this verse.  God made a plan of

Salvation so that the whole world can be redeemed from the curse that has

been passed upon us. Galatians 3:13 states that "Christ has redeemed us

(you and I) from the curse of the law."    Romans 8:2 says " for the law of the

spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." 

Accept Jesus the Christ as your personal Saviour, dive into the word of God,

(the Holy Bible), and experience a new life that can be full of Joy!!

    Pastor Dewayne Smith    


There is coming a time when we will all stand before God.  It is an appointment everyone will keep

and no man can break.   The only way to prepare for that time up there, is to receive pardon,

down here.  Yes, God has a legal system.  We will all be summoned.  There will be a trial, and a

erdict.  Now is the time to prepare for when the gavel falls.  once it does fall... the case will be

closed forever...

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   Need to rethink your life, with God??

If you want to see how to change....

Please Click  Here.      needprayer.gif (19969 bytes)