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shane01.gif (33247 bytes)   Shane and tamera01.gif (32172 bytes)Tamera Pate - Children's Ministers

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       WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)Beth Smith    WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes) Phillip Manasco    


                Every Sunday A.M., during regular services.  

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            WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)   Primary Class - ages 1-4, we have fun and learning though coloring,              song, games, and lots of other fun stuff, too!!  


            WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)   Jr. Class - ages 5-9, We learn about God in  lots of fun ways: draw,              color, puzzles, videos, and many more goodies. Our focus is on the              Goodness of God.


            WB01158_.GIF (255 bytes)  Sr. Class - ages 10-12, This class centers on teaching God's word,             and equipping our children, so they will be prepared to enter their              challenging teen years.


        Come join us this Sunday, and get ready to learn of God. And, have a great time doing so!!!

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Veggie Tales!! Veggie Tales!!! Veggie Tales!!!

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To find out more about these Nutricious Veggies, Click here

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