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As our Church family continues to
grow, the need for more types of individual ministry, arises.
We praise God for the leaders, He
has chosen, to lead our Ministerial Team.
Through our Ministery, we
have seen many come to know Jesus, and His saving grace.
Many are delivered from sicknesses,
bondages, to become an essiential member of God's Army!!!
Pastor - Dewayne Smith
Youth Pastor - Mark
Children's Pastor -
Shane Pate
Minister of Music -
Shane Pate

Our Mission
Bear witness for Christ and His truth.
Teach the
Gospel of the Kingdom, in all it's Glory and Power.
our congregation with the Word of God, and their Testimony.
Release them into the Harvest, to gather in the
community.ays, before the return
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Regular Events
Monthly Ladies Meeting
- Each 2nd Thurs, our ladies meet at different homes; for devotional, prayer, and
fellowship. Director - Aletha Pickens
Monthly Men's Meeting -
The local men, meet every 1st Monday night, for food, fellowship, and study of God's
Word. Director - Terry Gravitt
Weekly Ladies Meeting -
Our ladies, who do not work during the day, attend this special fellowship, each
Tuesday. They meet at different homes, and spend time with God. Director
- Betty Whitman
Upcoming Events & News...
Don't forget to watch
our Television Program, Tuesday Nights, at 6:30 p.m.
On Channel 65, or
Channel 10 on Marcus Cable.