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Our Sunday School Classes are held every Sunday Morning at 10:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m

The teachers of the classes, are educated on how to instruct these classes on each level. 

The classes focus on weekly lessons, and have Quarterly themes. 

Each of which, uplift and teach the word of God.  

Please join us, and be a part of our Sunday School.

At last count our attendace was numbering in the mid 80's. Praise the Lord!!!



WB00882_.GIF (263 bytes)   Toddler - Martha Lewis          WB00882_.GIF (263 bytes)    Assistants - Kim Adair, Angie Fell

WB00882_.GIF (263 bytes)   Primary - Stacey Johnson       WB00882_.GIF (263 bytes)   Assistant - Eric Crews

WB00882_.GIF (263 bytes)   Pre-Teens - Judith Buckner     WB00882_.GIF (263 bytes)   Assistant - Joan Smith

WB00882_.GIF (263 bytes)   Teenage - Debra Adair            WB00882_.GIF (263 bytes)   Assistant - Jeff Adair

WB00882_.GIF (263 bytes)   Young Adult - Mark Fell

WB00882_.GIF (263 bytes)   Adult - Sue Rogers


God Bless these Teachers as they bring forth the Word of the Lord!!!